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Selected Item LDO-ID Title Authors Type Media  
2021-02-26-03 Multiple sensor fusion and consistency Balzarotti, Giorgio Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (Volume: 58, Issue: 6, Date of Publication: 03 May 2022)
2021-03-04-01 Augmented Reality: From its Inception to Current and Emerging Technologies and Applications De Nino, Maurizio; Ricciardi, Stefano; D'Onofrio, Salvatore; Vertucci, Raffaele Paper for Book Chapter included in "Handbook of Augmented Reality" Book (Springer Nature Switzerland AG)
2021-03-04-02 Augmented Reality for Manteinance and Repair De Nino, Maurizio; Ricciardi, Stefano; D'Onofrio, Salvatore; Vertucci, Raffaele Paper for Book Chapter included in "Handbook of Augmented Reality" Book (Springer Nature Switzerland AG)
2021-04-22-01 Big Data Pata, Amedeo; Chirichiello, Antonella Presentation for Seminar/Symposium/Conference Piattaforma Educazione Digitale (CivicaMente S.r.l. -
2021-06-16-01 Marketplace Brevetti Leonardo S.p.A.: i vantaggi per le PMI di acquisire in licenza un brevetto Leonardo Barbi, Emanuela Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference Webinar "Marchi e brevetti in licenza per le aziende MESAP" (16 Giugno 2021, Online Only)