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Selected Item LDO-ID Title Authors Type Media  
2014-06-12-01 IRIDIUM-NEXT Star Tracker Thermal Design: lessons learned and learning curve in a small series production Fabbri Michele, Molina Marco Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ICES 2014 - International Conference on Environmental Systems (13-17 July 2014, Tucson, AZ, USA)
2014-06-11-02 Industrialisation approach of the POP atomic clock for application to GNSS Battisti Alberto, Gioia Marina, Borella Aurelio Idelfonso, Godone Aldo, Levi Filippo, Calosso Claudio, Micalizio Salvatore Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EFTF 2014 - European Frequency and Time Forum (23-26 June 2014, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
2014-06-11-01 Atomic clocks continuous development and production capability for navigation at Selex ES Battisti Alberto, Gioia Marina, Borella Aurelio Idelfonso Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EFTF 2014 - European Frequency and Time Forum (23-26 June 2014, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
2014-06-10-01 A fast MoM code for finite arrays Taddei Ruggero, Guarnieri Giacomo, Mauriello Giuseppe, Pelosi Giuseppe, Selleri Stefano Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EuMWeek 2014 - European Microwave Week (05-10 October 2014, Rome, Italy)
2014-05-26-03 Communication aspects in wireless passive sensing on spacecrafts Gamba Paolo, Goldoni Emanuele, Savazzi Pietro, Arpesi Pier Giorgio, Sopranzi Claudia, Dufour Jean-Francois, Lavagna Michele Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 2014 IEEE - International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (30-31 October 2014, Noordwijk, The Netherlands)