Publications represent one of the most important forms of sharing knowledge generated within a company, in collaboration with other companies or with public research organizations.
This page presents Leonardo's technical-scientific production, relating to conference proceedings, book chapters, articles in specialized journals.
The list contains references to the work carried out since 2012 by Leonardo researchers, engineers and technicians, and authorized for publication.

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Version: 1.0 Approved
Scientific goals and technical challenges of the MAJIS imaging spectrometer for the JUICE mission
Piccioni Giuseppe, Tommasi Leonardo, Langeniv Yves, Filacchione Gianrico, Tosi Federico, Grassi Davide, Poulet François, Dumesnil Cydalise, Degalarreta Claudia Ruiz, Bini Alessandro, Bugetti Giulio, Guerri Irene, Rossi Maurizio
Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference
2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, Session "Future Science Objectives and Technologies for Planetary Exploration", (19-21 Giugno 2019, Torino, Italia)