Publications represent one of the most important forms of sharing knowledge generated within a company, in collaboration with other companies or with public research organizations.
This page presents Leonardo's technical-scientific production, relating to conference proceedings, book chapters, articles in specialized journals.
The list contains references to the work carried out since 2012 by Leonardo researchers, engineers and technicians, and authorized for publication.

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Selected Item LDO-ID Title Authors Type Media  
2020-10-16-01 The PRISMA imaging spectroscopy mission: overview and first performance analysis Cogliati Sergio, Sarti Francesco, Chiarantini Leandro, Cosi Massimo, Lorusso Rino, Lopinto Ettore, Miglietta Franco, Genesio Lorenzo, Guanter Palomar Luis, Damm Alexander, Tagliabue Giulia, Bramati Gabriele, Rascher Uwe, Dowling Thomas, Giardino Claudia, Colombo Roberto Paper for Specialistic Magazine Remote Sensing of Environment Journal (Elsevier B.V., Volume: 262, September 2021)
2021-02-15-01 Cognitive Radar Farina Alfonso, Timmoneri Luca Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference NIF21 - NATO Industry Forum (11 March 2021, Online Only)
2021-02-15-02 Falco Xplorer approach to Model-Driven Engineering: Experimental Prototyping versus Formal Qualification Guerra Emanuele, Casanova Massimo, Barbina Marco Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference NIF21 - NATO Industry Forum (11 March 2021, Online Only)
2021-02-15-03 Energy Efficient, Sustainable, Resilient and Cyber Secure Military Bases Tedeschi Massimo, Liguori Marco, Solari Stefano, Cocurullo Fabio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference NIF21 - NATO Industry Forum (11 March 2021, Online Only)
2021-02-19-01 Digital Continuum for Defence, a novel approach to be applied in the NATO Alliance context Cavazzoni Carlo, Ghezzi Daniela, Gulienetti Giorgio, Leone Cristina, Longo Antonino, Massa Alessandro, Proietti Paolo Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference NIF21 - NATO Industry Forum (11 March 2021, Online Only)
2021-02-26-24 Promote Defence oriented Open Innovation initiatives to speed up the uptake of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies Gulienetti Giorgio, Proietti Paolo, Fuselli Manuel Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference NIF21 - NATO Industry Forum (11 March 2021, Online Only)
2021-05-24-01 Distributed Smart Measurement Architecture for Industrial Automation, Cyber Physical Systems for Europe (CPS4EU) Azzoni Paolo, Caminale Gianfranco, Carratù Marco, Dello Iacono Salvatore, Fenza Giuseppe, Gallo Nicola, Liguori Consolatina, Londero Elisa, Pietrosanto Antonio, Rebella Nicolò Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SE4ICPS IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (12-16 July 2021, Digital Event)
2021-06-08-07 A Telerobotic Real-Time Network Distributed Framework for the ITER Remote Handling Supervisory Control System Mazzaro Silvio, Nobili Matteo, Fiorilla Angelo Emanuele, Hamilton David, Massa Alessandro, Matta Walter Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SOFT - Symposium on Fusion Technology (20-25 September 2020, Virtual Edition)
2021-10-11-01 Distributed Workflows with Jupyter Colonnelli Iacopo, Rabellino Sergio, Cantalupo Barbara, Spampinato Concetto, Di Carlo Rosario, Morelli Roberto, Magini Nicolò, Cavazzoni Carlo, Aldinucci Marco Paper for Specialistic Magazine Future Generation Computer System (Elsevier B.V., Volume 128, March 2022)
2022-02-25-12 Numerical investigation on the stringer termination debonding in tensile loaded hybrid metallic-CFRP stiffened aeronautical panel Sellitto Andrea, Saputo Salvatore, Russo Angela, Innaro Vincenzo, Riccio Aniello, Acerra Francesco, Russo Salvatore Paper for Specialistic Magazine Materialstoday: proceedings (Elsevier B.V., Volume: 34, Part 1, February 2021)