Publications represent one of the most important forms of sharing knowledge generated within a company, in collaboration with other companies or with public research organizations.
This page presents Leonardo's technical-scientific production, relating to conference proceedings, book chapters, articles in specialized journals.
The list contains references to the work carried out since 2012 by Leonardo researchers, engineers and technicians, and authorized for publication.

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Selected Item LDO-ID Title Authors Type Media  
2015-05-11-01 Gallium Nitride Schottky and MIS Power Switch performance comparison for 35 GHz applications Pantellini Alessio, Nanni Antonio, Bettidi Andrea, Carosi Diego, Dominijanni Donatella, Lanzieri Claudio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference INMMIC 2015 - International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (01-02 October, 2015, Taormina, Italy)
2015-05-04-03 Autonomous Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications Meo Rosa, Esposito Roberto, Viola Sergio, Mellano Valter, Choor Chee Ming, Botta Marco, Ciaramaglia Franco Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference RTSI 2015 - International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (16-18 September 2015, Torino, Italy)
2015-05-04-02 Space-aided Autonomous Sensor System for Hydrogeological Disaster Management Fedi Francesco, Cacucci Sabino Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (04-05 June 2015, Benevento, Italy)
2015-04-20-01 Dextrous Lightweight Arm for Exploration (DELIAN) Rusconi Andrea, Magnani Piergiovanni, Michaud Stéphane, Gruener Gabriel, Terrien Grégoire, Merlo Andrea Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ASTRA 2015 - Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (11-13 May 2015, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands)
2015-04-03-01 A new RF Beamforming Network based on continuous phase shifting for Ka Band Satellite on the Move Terminal Alessandro Saverio, De Bilio Maria Concetta, Pomona Ignazio, Bavetta Gaspare, Laudani Antonio, Coco Salvatore Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ESA Antenna Workshop (06-09 October 2015, ESA-ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands)