Publications represent one of the most important forms of sharing knowledge generated within a company, in collaboration with other companies or with public research organizations.
This page presents Leonardo's technical-scientific production, relating to conference proceedings, book chapters, articles in specialized journals.
The list contains references to the work carried out since 2012 by Leonardo researchers, engineers and technicians, and authorized for publication.

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Selected Item LDO-ID Title Authors Type Media  
2013-08-31-01 Validation and Simulation Examples of an end-to-end simulator for Optical Imaging Systems Coppo Peter Mario, Chiarantini Leandro, Alparone Luciano Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE 2013 - Remote Sensing Conference (23-26 September 2013, Dresden, Germany)
2013-08-31-02 The Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) Detection Assembly design and performance Coppo Peter Mario, Mastrandrea Carmine, Stagi Moreno, Calamai Luciano, Barilli Marco, Nieke Jens Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE 2013 - Remote Sensing Conference (23-26 September 2013, Dresden, Germany)
2013-09-03-01 Flight Path Optimization for Minimizing Emissions and Avoiding Weather Hazard Fanti Maria Pia, Iacobellis Gabriella, Mininel Stefano, Nolich Massimiliano, Stecco Gabriella, Ukovich Walter, Bernabò Marcello, Serafino Gabriella Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ACC 2014 - American Control Conference (4-6 June 2014, Portland, Oregon USA)
2013-09-10-02 A Real Time Diagnostic Tool for Phased Array Antenna Systems Infante Leopoldo, Quintili Settimio Danilo, Romanucci Carmine Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 2013 IEEE - International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology (15-18 October 2013, Waltham, Massachusetts USA)
2013-10-08-01 Wireless and ad Hoc Sensor Networks: an Industrial Example Using Delay Tolerant, Low Power Protocols for Security-Critical Applications Malavenda Claudio Santo, Menichelli Francesco, Olivieri Mauro Paper for Specialistic Magazine Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society (Springer Verlag)
2013-10-16-01 SWIR range performance prediction for long range applications Guadagnoli Emanuele, Ventura Piero, Barani Gianni, Porta Antonio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE DSS 2014 - International Symposium on Optronics in Defense and Security (05-09 May 2014, Baltimore, USA)
2013-11-19-01 Dynamic test planning: a study in an industrial context Carrozza Gabriella, Pietrantuono Roberto, Russo Stefano Paper for Specialistic Magazine International Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer (Springer Verlag)
2013-12-04-01 Planar Thinned Arrays: Optimization and Subarray Based Adaptive Processing Lombardo Pierfrancesco, Cardinali Roberta, Bucciarelli Marta, Pastina Debora, Farina Alfonso Paper for Specialistic Magazine International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2013
2013-12-05-01 A regulation-based Security evaluation method for Wireless Data Link Malavenda Claudio Santo, Menichelli Francesco, Olivieri Mauro Paper for Specialistic Magazine Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Volume 2014 (Hindawi)
2013-12-05-02 A DDS/PLL architecture for highly stable local oscillators Tonelli Giovanni, Marchetti Fernando, Gargano Leonardo, Pezzuti Alberto, Lo Re Angelo, Fernandez Emanuele, Mennella Alberto, Angelini Simone Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference Radar 2014 - International Radar Conference (13-17 October 2014, Lille, France)