Publications represent one of the most important forms of sharing knowledge generated within a company, in collaboration with other companies or with public research organizations.
This page presents Leonardo's technical-scientific production, relating to conference proceedings, book chapters, articles in specialized journals.
The list contains references to the work carried out since 2012 by Leonardo researchers, engineers and technicians, and authorized for publication.

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Selected Item LDO-ID Title Authors Type Media  
2014-11-11-10 A long-range camera based on an HD MCT array of 12 mm pixels Davy Douglas, Ashley Stuart, Davison Bryan, McEwen Kennedy, Ashcroft Andrew, Moore Richard Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE - Defense + Security Conference (05-09 May 2014, Baltimore, MD, USA)
2014-04-09-03 Survey of Wireless Communication Technologies for Public Safety Baldini Gianmarco, Karanasios Stan, Allen David, Vergari Fabrizio Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (Volume: 16, Issue: 2, Second Quarter 2014)
2014-04-09-02 Software-Defined Radio: Finding Its Use in Public Safety Vergari Fabrizio Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (Volume: 8 , Issue: 2, June 2013)
2014-02-25-06 Cognitive Radar Waveform Design for Spectral Coexistence Piezzo Marco, De Maio Antonio, Aubry Augusto, Farina Alfonso Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference Radar Conf 2013 - IEEE Radar Conference (29/04-03/05 2013, Ottawa, Canada)
2014-02-25-05 Distributed Multitarget Tracking for Passive Multireceiver Radar Systems Battistelli Giorgio, Chisci Luigi, Fantacci Claudio, Farina Alfonso, Graziano Antonio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference IRS 2013 - International Radar Symposium (19-21 June 2013, Dresden, Germany)
2014-02-25-04 Radar Detection of Distributed Targets in Homogeneous Interference Whose Inverse Covariance Structure is Defined via Unitary Invariant Functions Aubry Augusto, De Maio Antonio, Pallotta Luca, Farina Alfonso Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (Volume: 61, Issue: 20, October 2013)
2014-02-25-03 A Tutorial on Bernoulli Filters: Theory, Implementation and Applications Ristic Branko, Vo Ba-Tuong, Vo Ba-Ngu, Farina Alfonso Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (Volume: 61, Issue: 13, July 2013)
2014-02-25-02 Consensus CPHD Filter for Distributed Multitarget Tracking Battistelli Giorgio, Chisci Luigi, Fantacci Claudio, Farina Alfonso Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Volume: 7, Issue: 3, June 2013)
2014-02-20-10 Median matrices and their application to radar training data selection Aubry Augusto, De Maio Antonio, Pallotta Luca, Farina Alfonso, Fantacci Claudio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference IRS 2013 - International Radar Symposium (19-21 June 2013, Dresden, Germany)
2014-02-20-09 Covariance matrix estimation via geometric barycenters and its application to radar training data selection Aubry Augusto, De Maio Antonio, Pallotta Luca, Farina Alfonso Paper for Specialistic Magazine IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Volume: 7, Issue 6, July 2013)
2014-02-20-08 Target tracking via multi-static Doppler shifts Ristic Branko, Farina Alfonso Paper for Specialistic Magazine IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Volume: 7, Issue: 5, June 2013)
2013-11-21-02 Optical Switching Matrix as Time Domain Demultiplexer in Photonic ADC Pierno Luigi, Bogoni Antonella, Fiorello Anna Maria, Ghelfi Paolo, Laghezza Francesco, Filippo Scotti, Sergio Pinna Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EuMWeek 2013 - European Microwave Week (06-11 October 2013, Nuremberg, Germany)
2013-11-08-14 Theoretical analysis of the sequential lobing technique for correlated targets Cui Gou-Long, De Maio Antonio, Pallotta Luca, Farina Alfonso Paper for Specialistic Magazine IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Volume 7, Issue 4, 2013)
2013-11-08-13 Parametric analysis of ballistic target-tracking problem by multiple model approach Reali Fabrizio, Palmerini Giovanni Battista, Farina Alfonso, Graziano Antonio, Giompapa Sofia Paper for Specialistic Magazine IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Volume 7, Issue 4, 2013)
2013-11-08-12 On the application of the expectation-maximisation algorithm to the relative sensor registration problem Fortunati Stefano, Gini Fulvio, Farina Alfonso, Graziano Antonio, Greco Maria Sabrina, Giompapa Sofia Paper for Specialistic Magazine IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Volume 7, Issue 2, 2013)
2020-06-17-04 Nereus: Advanced solution for maritime surveillance Viscione Sabrina, Amalfitano Luigi Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference AFCEA - Convegno "Real-Time Location Intelligence e Visual Analytics nei Processi di Trasformazione Digitale" (11 Settembre 2019, c/o Casa dell'Aviatore, Roma, Italy)
2021-06-08-12 Command and control system for the STAR X-ray source Cucè Daniela, Leone Dario, Lisi Riccardo, Maio Giovanni, Nobili Matteo, Razzano Giuseppe, Schisano Alessandro, Borgese Gianluca, Agostino Raffaele Giuseppe, Barberi Riccardo, Solano Andrea, Puppin Ezio, Bacci Alberto, Serafini Luca, Ghigo Andrea, Pellegrino Luigi, Beltrano Joseph John, Catuscelli Gaetano Paper for Specialistic Magazine Fusion Engineering and Design (Elsevier B.V., Volume: 146, Part B, September 2019)
2020-06-17-06 Combining exposure indicators and predictive analytics for threats detection in real industrial IoT sensor networks Brignoli Mauro Alberto, Mazzaro Silvio, Fortunato Gianuario, Corà Andrea, Matta Walter, Romano Simon Pietro Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IOT (03-04 June 2020, Roma, Italy)
2020-10-01-02 Developments in the SAPHIRA family of HgCdTe APD infrared arrays for low flux sensing: present and future Lake Kimberly, Isgar Vincent, Baker Ian, Herrington Mark, Hipwood Leslie, Maxey Christopher, Weller Harald, Barnes Keith, Hicks Matthew Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE - Remote Sensing Digital Forum (21-25 September 2020, Online Only)
2020-10-16-05 Theoretical model of strain perturbed resistivity in granular manganese perovskite systems De Feo Pasquale, Ferraioli Fabrizio, Coppola Nunzia, Maritato Luigi Paper for Specialistic Magazine Coatings Journal - Special Issue on "Advances in Perovskite Thin Films" (MDPI AG)
2020-12-21-05 Product assurance for the PLATO Telescope optical unit Chinellato Simonetta, Postiglione Giovanni, BandyTimothy, Battistelli Enrico, Bergomi Maria,Biondi Federico, Borsa Francesco, Calderone Flavia, Cessa Virginie, Farinato Jacopo, Greggio Davide, Magrin Demetrio, Marafatto Luca, Molendini Francesca, Munari Matteo, Natalucci Silvia, Novi Andrea, Pagano Isabella,Piazza Daniele, Ragazzoni Roberto, Salatti Mario, Viotto Valentina Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE - Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference (14-18 December 2020, Online Only)
2021-01-25-01 A ROS Based Automatic Control Implementation for Precision Landing on Slow Moving Platforms Using a Cooperative Fleet of Rotary-Wing UAVs Antenucci Alessio, Mazzaro Silvio, Fiorilla Angelo Emanuele, Messina Luca, Massa Alessandro, Matta Walter ICRAE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (20-22 November 2020, Singapore, Singapore) ICRAE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (20-22 November 2020, Singapore, Singapore)
2021-02-26-02 A smart way to create a Backplane schematic Piersanti Stefano Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference User2User Europe - Mentor User Conference (01 December 2020, Online Only)
2021-02-26-04 Il System Engineering in Leonardo Electronics nel Complesso Mercato dell'ADS Pauluzzo Fabio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference AISE Virtual Convention (18-19 November 2020, Online Only)
2021-02-26-05 Mechatronic and Multibody analyses for optical stability evaluation Agresta Giuseppe, Mariano Livio, Guglielminotti Calabrese Giulio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference International CAE Conference and Exhibition (30 November - 04 December 2020, Online Only)
2021-06-08-06 EPICS Application for RH Supervisory Control System Leone Dario, Carrubba Valeria, Mazzaro Silvio, Nobili Matteo, Cucè Daniela, Hamilton David Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SOFT - Symposium on Fusion Technology (20-25 September 2020, Virtual Edition)
2021-06-08-14 Preliminary design and thermal analyses of the steerable mirror cooling channel of the DTT ECRH Salvitti Alessandra, Bruschi Alessandro, Busi Daniele, Fanale Francesco, Giorgetti Francesco, Granucci Gustavo, Calabrò Giuseppe, Fanelli Pierluigi, Nobili Matteo Paper for Specialistic Magazine Fusion Engineering and Design (Elsevier B.V., Volume: 161, December 2020)
2020-09-10-03 Multifunctional Cell for Complex Aerostructures Assembly and Aircraft Maintenance Assisted by Neural Network Mazzotta Antonio, Iagulli Gianni, De Vita Vincenzo Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EU FP7 Framework Programme CPS4EU - Cyber Physical Systems for Europe (H2020-ECSEL-2018-IA - Grant Agreement n°: 826276,
2020-09-10-04 Automatic Composite Parts Defect Detector Corvaglia Stefano, Gallo Nicola, Baecchi Claudio, Del Bimbo Alberto, D’Attis Giovanni, Nobile Giorgio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EU FP7 Framework Programme CPS4EU - Cyber Physical Systems for Europe (H2020-ECSEL-2018-IA - Grant Agreement n°: 826276,
2020-09-10-06 Towards Intelligent Industrial Automation Settembre Marina, Caminale Gianfranco, Almi Andrea, Amoruso Massimo, Cenci Francesco, Gallo Nicola, Fuggiano Danila, Bianchi Francesca Maria Paola, Rovera Luisa, Labruto Roberto, Tranchero Bruno Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EU FP7 Framework Programme CPS4EU - Cyber Physical Systems for Europe (H2020-ECSEL-2018-IA - Grant Agreement n°: 826276,
2020-10-16-03 Image-based Approaches for Automating Visual Testing of Interactive Web-based Applications Macchi Federico, Rosin Pierpaolo, Mervi Juan Marcos, Turchet Luca Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference Open Innovations Association FRUCT (Finnish-Russian University Cooperation in Telecommunications) Conference (27-29 January 2021, Moscow, Russia)
2021-02-17-01 A topological approach to secure key exchange Cerocchi Filippo, Rizzo Gabriele Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ITASEC - Italian Conference on Cybersecurity (07-09 April 2021, Online Only)
2021-02-25-01 An Industrial Distributed Network of Intelligent Robotic Security Guards based on the Internet of Robotic Things Paradigm Antenucci Alessio, Brancati Alessio, Mazzaro Silvio, Bastianelli Gabriele, Rovella Roberto, Massa Alessandro, Matta Walter Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ICCCR - International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics (08-10 January, 2021, Shanghai, China)
2021-02-26-14 Current Status and Future Perspectives of the PRISMA Mission at the Turn of One Year in Operational Usage Lopinto Ettore, Fasano Luca, Longo Francesco, Varacalli Giancarlo Natale, Sacco Patrizia, Chiarantini Leandro, Sarti Francesco, Agrimano Luigi, Santoro Francesca, Cogliati Sergio, Colombo Roberto, Bresciani Mariano, Giardino Claudia, Braga Federica Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference IGARSS - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (12-14- July 2021, Brussels, Belgium)
2021-02-26-15 Application experience on radar networking and data fusion principles Graziano Antonio, Incardona Angela, Golino Giovanni, Petrucci Roberto, Timmoneri Luca, Vigilante Domenico, Farina Alfonso Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference RadarConf - IEEE International Radar Conference (10-14 May 2021, Atlanta, GA, USA)
2021-02-26-19 Bearing estimation of low prob on intercept sources via polynomial matrices and sparse linear arrays Coventry William, Clemente Carmine, Soraghan John, Cade Neil Paper for Specialistic Magazine IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation (Volume: 15, Issue: 11, November 2021)
2021-02-26-20 Russian Electronic Warfare, Cyber and Information Operations in Ukraine: Implications for NATO and Security in the Baltic States McCrory Duncan Paper for Specialistic Magazine RUSI Journal (Taylor & Francis Online, Volume: 165, Issue: 7)
2021-05-14-01 Leonardo’s IP Evolution (From a “Sword and Shield” Posture to a Mature IP rights Management Approach for Coping with the new Competitive Landscape in the Aerospace & Defence Industry) Leone Maria Isabella, Rogo Francesco Paper for Specialistic Magazine Portale Luiss University Press (
2021-06-08-03 JANUS Optical Head Line of Sight Temperature dependance Characterization and Validation by on ground test Turella Andrea, Della Corte Vincenzo, Palumbo Pasquale, Amoroso Marilena, Mugnuolo Raffaele, Noci Giovanni Enrico Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference MetroAerospace - IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (23-25 June 2021, Virtual Event)
2021-06-08-04 Transportable ATC Systems Metrology Galloro Marco, Fiorini Michele Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference MetroAerospace - IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (23-25 June 2021, Virtual Event)
2021-06-08-09 A framework based on Deep Learning techniques for multi-drone ISR missions performance evaluation in different synthetic environments Antenucci Alessio, Messina Luca, Palumbo Andrea, Mazzaro Silvio, Matta Walter Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference NATO S&TO (Science & Technology) SCI-341 Research Symposium on "Situation Awareness of Swarms and Autonomous Systems" (18-19 May 2021, Virtual Conference)
2021-06-08-13 RAMI Analysis of the ITER In-Vessel Coils System Serpi Arianna, Nobili Matteo, Cucè Daniela, Encheva Anna, Macioce Davide Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SOFT - Symposium on Fusion Technology (20-25 September 2020, Virtual Edition)
2021-06-09-01 Practical Parallelization of Scientific Applications with OpenMP, OpenACC and MPI Aldinucci Marco, Cesare Valentina, Colonnelli Iacopo, Martinelli Alberto Riccardo, Mittone Gianluca, Cantalupo Barbara, Cavazzoni Carlo, Drocco Maurizio Paper for Specialistic Magazine Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier B.V., Volume 157, November 2021)
2021-09-09-01 Adaptive Beam-Forming Algorithms for Active Array Sensors: an enabling capability for cognitive radars Tocca Valerio, Vigilante Domenico, Petrucci Roberto, Timmoneri Luca, Farina Alfonso Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference MetroAeroSpace - IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (23-25 June 2021, Naples, Italy)
2021-09-09-02 Military Space - Advanced Space Command and Control (SC2) capability in Space Situational Awareness Troso Giulio, Matta Walter, Romano Antonio, Fittipaldi Marilena, Dolce Ferdinando, Ventimiglia Andrea, Villadei Walter, Cipollone Riccardo, Di Lizia Pierluigi, Fasano Giancarmine Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference MetroAeroSpace - IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (23-25 June 2021, Naples, Italy)
2021-09-17-03 The M3T Process for IRST Systems Castaldo Francesco, Giordano Rossella, D’Auria Marco, Fargnoli Fabio, Cenci Alessandro Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE Security + Defence Conference (13-17 September 2021, Online Only)
2021-09-17-04 Towards Cognitive IRST Conte Roberto, Castaldo Francesco, Leoni Andrea, Stellino Flavio, Andreoni Alessandro, Fortunato Luca Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE Security + Defence Conference (13-17 September 2021, Online Only)
2021-09-17-08 Enabling a semantic sensor knowledge approach for quality control support in Cleanrooms Rincon-Yanez Diego, Crispoldi Flavia, Onorati Dalila, Ulpiani Pierfrancesco, Fenza Giuseppe, Senatore Sabrina Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference International Semantic Web Conference (24-28 October 2021, Virtual Conference)
2021-09-17-09 Reliability Optimisation and Lifetime Modelling of Micro-BGA Assemblies in Harsh Environment Applications Stoyanov Stoyan, Bailey Chris, Stewart Paul Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EMPC - European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference (13-16 September 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden)
2021-11-03-06 The advent of shore-based navigation: from vessel traffic services (VTSs) to e-navigation maritime service portfolio (MSP) + VTS/FOC/CSS systems engineering approach to system's architecture + VTS/FOC/CSS main functions Fiorini Michele Paper for Book Chapter and appendix included in “ICT Solutions and Digitalisation in Ports and Shipping” Book (The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Publication Date: 30 July 2021)