Publications represent one of the most important forms of sharing knowledge generated within a company, in collaboration with other companies or with public research organizations.
This page presents Leonardo's technical-scientific production, relating to conference proceedings, book chapters, articles in specialized journals.
The list contains references to the work carried out since 2012 by Leonardo researchers, engineers and technicians, and authorized for publication.

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Selected Item LDO-ID Title Authors Type Media  
2014-05-23-02 The Calibration Approach and Plan for the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer Smith David, Nightingale Tim, Mortimer Hugh, Middleton Kevin, Edeson Ruben, Cox Caroline, Mutlow Chris, Maddison Brian, Coppo Peter Mario Paper for Specialistic Magazine SPIE - Journal of Applied Remote Sensing ( Volume 8, Issue 1, 01 July 2014)
2014-05-26-03 Communication aspects in wireless passive sensing on spacecrafts Gamba Paolo, Goldoni Emanuele, Savazzi Pietro, Arpesi Pier Giorgio, Sopranzi Claudia, Dufour Jean-Francois, Lavagna Michele Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 2014 IEEE - International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (30-31 October 2014, Noordwijk, The Netherlands)
2014-06-10-01 A fast MoM code for finite arrays Taddei Ruggero, Guarnieri Giacomo, Mauriello Giuseppe, Pelosi Giuseppe, Selleri Stefano Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EuMWeek 2014 - European Microwave Week (05-10 October 2014, Rome, Italy)
2014-06-11-01 Atomic clocks continuous development and production capability for navigation at Selex ES Battisti Alberto, Gioia Marina, Borella Aurelio Idelfonso Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EFTF 2014 - European Frequency and Time Forum (23-26 June 2014, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
2014-06-11-02 Industrialisation approach of the POP atomic clock for application to GNSS Battisti Alberto, Gioia Marina, Borella Aurelio Idelfonso, Godone Aldo, Levi Filippo, Calosso Claudio, Micalizio Salvatore Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EFTF 2014 - European Frequency and Time Forum (23-26 June 2014, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)