Leonardo at 4T - Tech Transfer Think Tank: a case study on Technology Transfer 

The sixth edition of the main technology transfer event in Italy

18 October 2019

The sixth edition of the main technology transfer event in Italy was held On October 4th at the Aula Magna of the Polytechnic University of Turin. The conference was organized by Jacobacci & Partners, one of the most interesting european player in the field of Intellectual Property Rights protection.

By bringing together a wide range of stakeholders, the Conference created opportunities for collaboration and strengthening of existing partnerships to build respect for IPR and to discuss Government's policies aimed to enterprise development and the quality of life perceived in the territories.

The Conference, moderated by Prof. Alberto Di Minin (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), was attended by many italian innovation ecosystem players: big companies, SME, IPR consultants, Universities, Patent branch of Italy's Ministry of Economic Development (MISE-UIBM), competence centers, investors and start-ups.

Our colleague E.Barbi presented a case study on Technology Transfer from large to small company, accompanyng  the audience along the process chain, highlighting the importance of the main dimensions that characterize the process in the business model: technology, protection, market and results.


News and insights
Technology Transfer Leonardo
"Exploit my Patent": a research group from University of Catania won the first challenge

The HPRD (High Pressure Repair Dome) patent, from the laboratory to mass production

“Exploit My Patent”, a new challenge to implement a patented solution

Join an unprecedented challenge to explore additional areas and further potential for the application of these products of the future, testing them in contexts that differ from those originally intended.

DRILLIMO: a real example of Digital Transformation for the manufacturing industry

A new patent to enrich the Leonardo Technology Transfer showcase

Sensors technology: new inventions listed on our showcase

A series of patents on aiming and shooting systems, made available for the creation of value

Intellectual property and licensing mechanisms for SMEs development

Licensing trademarks and patents for MESAP associates

DUT2M: Dual Use Technology Transfer Mechanism

Innovation, Research and Technology can be used for both military and civilian purposes

Innovation 4 Health - Life Sciences between public and private

The importance of Technology Transfer for innovative health at Covid-19 time

Leonardo joins Open COVID Pledge

Contribute to defeat the Coronavirus by making selected patents available to everyone

Open COVID: contribute to defeat the Coronavirus by making Intellectual Property available to everyone

Open access to patents, leveraging knowledge and advanced technologies in dealing with the pandemic

2020: more patents for Technology Transfer

Leonardo Technology Transfer showcase enriches with new patents

Chronicle of 4T event

The report in the blog section of nòva - Il Sole 24 Ore

ESA Technology Transfer Program

From space technologies to terrestrial applications

Leonardo at 4T - Tech Transfer Think Tank: a case study on Technology Transfer 

The sixth edition of the main technology transfer event in Italy

Netval Summer Conference 2019

Creating Value from Research

The Evolving role of Knowledge Transfer

Leonardo participates to “4T- Technology Transfer Think Tank”

Conceived, designed and coordinated by: Politecnico di Torino - Jacobacci & Partners

Leonardo – Mesap agreement about patent marketplace

A subset of Leonardo patents, selected for Mechatronics field, showcased on the website of the Mesap Technology  hub

"Exploit my Patent": a research group from University of Catania won the first challenge

The HPRD (High Pressure Repair Dome) patent, from the laboratory to mass production

“Exploit My Patent”, a new challenge to implement a patented solution

Join an unprecedented challenge to explore additional areas and further potential for the application of these products of the future, testing them in contexts that differ from those originally intended.

DRILLIMO: a real example of Digital Transformation for the manufacturing industry

A new patent to enrich the Leonardo Technology Transfer showcase

Sensors technology: new inventions listed on our showcase

A series of patents on aiming and shooting systems, made available for the creation of value

Intellectual property and licensing mechanisms for SMEs development

Licensing trademarks and patents for MESAP associates

DUT2M: Dual Use Technology Transfer Mechanism

Innovation, Research and Technology can be used for both military and civilian purposes

Innovation 4 Health - Life Sciences between public and private

The importance of Technology Transfer for innovative health at Covid-19 time

Leonardo joins Open COVID Pledge

Contribute to defeat the Coronavirus by making selected patents available to everyone

Open COVID: contribute to defeat the Coronavirus by making Intellectual Property available to everyone

Open access to patents, leveraging knowledge and advanced technologies in dealing with the pandemic

2020: more patents for Technology Transfer

Leonardo Technology Transfer showcase enriches with new patents

Chronicle of 4T event

The report in the blog section of nòva - Il Sole 24 Ore

ESA Technology Transfer Program

From space technologies to terrestrial applications

Leonardo at 4T - Tech Transfer Think Tank: a case study on Technology Transfer 

The sixth edition of the main technology transfer event in Italy

Netval Summer Conference 2019

Creating Value from Research

The Evolving role of Knowledge Transfer

Leonardo participates to “4T- Technology Transfer Think Tank”

Conceived, designed and coordinated by: Politecnico di Torino - Jacobacci & Partners

Leonardo – Mesap agreement about patent marketplace

A subset of Leonardo patents, selected for Mechatronics field, showcased on the website of the Mesap Technology  hub