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Elemento Selezionato LDO-ID Titolo Autori Tipologia Media  
2015-01-13-01 JEM-line tracking in ISAR airborne radar data of flying aircrafts for engine detection Ricardi Niccolò, Dell’Acqua Fabio, Aprile Angelo Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference IGARSS 2015 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (26-31 July 2015, Milan, Italy)
2015-01-12-02 A Technique for Sensors Fusion with Limited Number of Common Measures Quaranta Carlo, Balzarotti Giorgio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference SPIE Defense and Security 2015 - International Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition (20-24 April 2015, Baltimore, MA, USA)
2015-01-12-01 Validation of Forward Modeling Target Detection Approach on a New Hysperpectral Data Set Featuring an Urban Scenario and Variable Illumination Conditions Acito Nicola, Corsini Giovanni, Diani Marco, Matteoli Stefania, Riccobono Aldo, Rossi Alessandro Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference IGARSS 2015 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (26-31 July 2015, Milan, Italy)
2014-12-22-01 Il Robot Rosetta e la Cometa Magnani Piergiovanni Paper for Specialistic Magazine Circolo Culturale Lomellino "Il Vaglio"
2014-12-19-03 Hyper-Sharpening: A First Approach on SIM-GA Data Selva Massimo, Aiazzi Bruno, Butera Francesco, Chiarantini Leandro, Baronti Stefano Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume:8, Issue: 6
2014-12-19-01 Improved estimation of soil clay content by the fusion of remote hyperspectral and proximal geophysical sensing Ciampalini Andrea, André Frédéric, Garfagnoli Francesca, Grandjean Gilles, Lambot Sébastien, Chiarantini Leandro, Moretti Sandro Paper for Specialistic Magazine Journal of Applied Geophysics
2014-12-05-01 Fibre Optics in Radar Systems: advantages and achievements Pierno Luigi, Fiorello Anna Maria, Secchi Alberto, Dispenza Massimiliano Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 2015 IEEE International Radar Conference (11-15 May 2015, Arlington, VA, USA)
2014-10-14-01 Realization and Test of a Versatile and Low-Cost Printed Configuration of UWB Dual-Pol Antenna Mazzocchi Simona, Galli Alessandro, Zucca Marco Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EuCAP 2015 - European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (12-17, April 2015, Lisbon, Portugal)
2014-10-02-01 Data-centric Multirobot Systems Fedi Francesco Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 2014 IEEE - MESAS 2014 - Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems Workshop (05-06 May 2014, Roma, Italy)
2014-09-30-04 Design, Realization and Characterization of the Dichroic for Euclid Belli Fabio, Cicciarelli Chiara, LaganĂ  Paolo, Taglioni Giovanni, Venancio Luis Miguel Gaspar, Harnisch Bernd Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ICSO 2014 - International Conference on Space Optics (07-10 October 2014, Tenerife - Canary Islands, Spain)
2014-09-24-01 Track-Before-Detect for Sea Clutter Rejection: Tests with Real Data Aprile Angelo, Grossi Emanuele, Lops Marco, Venturino Luca Paper for Specialistic Magazine IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Volume: 24, Issue: 3
2014-09-15-01 Radon transform: a Different Perspective on Planar Array Synthesis Mosca Stefano Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EuCAP 2015 - European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (12-17, April 2015, Lisbon, Portugal)
2014-09-01-08 Thermal imager fixed pattern noise prediction using a characterization of the infrared detector Mariani Paolo, Zatti Stefano, Giunti Claudio, Sozzi Barbara, Guadagnoli Emanuele, Porta Antonio Paper for Specialistic Magazine SPIE - Optical Engineering
2014-07-31-02 The Economic valuation of Intangible Assets in a high technology company Angelone Isabella, Nardi Mario Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference EIASM 2014 - 10th Interdisciplinary Workshop On Intangibles, Intellectual Capital And Extra-Financial Information (18-19 September 2014, Ferrara, Italy)
2014-07-31-01 P-band High Power SSPA based on GaN HEMTs Arpesi Pier Giorgio, Ramongassie Sophie Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 7th Wide Band Gap Semiconductors and Components Workshop (c/o ESA-ESRIN, 11-12 September 2014, Frascati, Italy)
2014-07-15-01 The CMA Program: an Example of Support and Service at the Customer’s Air Base using LM-STAR® O’Donnell Steven, Anzile Paolo, Schiavone Aldo Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference 2014 IEEE Autotestcon (15-18 September 2014, St. Louis, MO, USA)
2014-07-04-01 Pulsed HPA for Ka band SAR instruments – feasibility study Dionisio Roberto, Galantini Paolo, Aloisio Marinella, Ludwig Michael Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ESA Workshop 2014 - Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments & Ka-band Earth Observation Radar Missions (04-07 November 2014, Noordwijk, The Netherlands)
2014-06-26-02 Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimization to Reduce Aircraft Emissions in case of Unforeseen Weather Events Serafino Gabriella Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ICAS 2014 - Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (07-12 September 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia)
2014-06-24-01 ARGUS 3D – Security Enhancements through Innovative Radar Technologies Gugliersi Francesco, Marra Mauro, Incardona Angela, Liburdi Alessio, Petrucci Roberto, Cardinali Roberta, Anniballi Enrico Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ESAV 2014 - Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles (15-16 September 2014, Rome, Italy)
2014-06-17-01 Multi-functional Compact Radar for Surveillance in Terminal Areas (RAMS) Mariano Paolo, Angelilli Massimo, Gabrielli Amleto, D’Addio Egidio Paper for Seminar/Symposium/Conference ESAV 2014 - Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles (15-16 September 2014, Rome, Italy)